Behind the Scenes of Women in Construction

When my group first started discussing the story of women in the major of construction management, everything just aligned perfectly. We realized that an increase of women in the construction management field was an important fact to tell others. We had easy access to the sources because they were all on campus and it just felt right.

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The First Interview

I felt we learned a lot of vital information about women in construction management when we went to our first interview. We spoke to  Allan Hauck who is the department head and  he pointed out a lot of important points for our story. He had a really great qoute that stood out to all of us: “You’re fighting a gender identity issue that starts in preschool, the boys get trucks and the girls get dolls, and they never think of construction as a career.” I think that statement hit us because the idea of boys getting trucks and girls getting dolls was something we all knew, but he made a point we had never thought about in the past until right now. He also mentioned that, in opposition to what most may believe, girls have the same opportunities men do in the major. Hauck also believed they don’t have any issues finding opportunities for the women in construction management. This interview sparked another interview for us on the spot! After we were finished with Hauck, he told us that employees from Panko Builders were upstairs and asked if we wanted to interview them. It was such great timing. The interviews with the employees from Panko gave us some really credible quotes to use in our story. It gave the story an extra angle that was really powerful.

Hear from the Team

Here are some quotes from the journalists in my team:

Kayla Berenson, writer:

This round was definitely my favorite. I hadn’t written in a long time, so it was really nice to get back to it. I think our story had super accessible sources, which made it a lot easier to put together, from getting footage for our video to getting data for our interactive elements. Our team also worked really well together and helped troubleshoot any challenges we faced. I felt really confident in our final product and I hope we get a chance to see it published in Mustang News!

Krista Hershfield, video:

This round like that last was great because I felt like I learned more about Cal Poly and the different majors that it offered. The people we talked to were great interviewees and were very accessible for any questions we had. Overall, our team worked well together to get it done and I had a great time brushing up on my video editing skills.

Jay Wilson, interactive:

It was interesting to learn something that I knew almost nothing about, in regards to construction management. My team really jumped on this round, too; logistically, it seemed to be one of the smoother rounds. Doing interactive was interesting, too. Getting good photos when subjects don’t have a ton of time is always a welcome challenge.


Casi McIntyre