Rap music has created a lot of debate within the world of feminism. If rap is a reflection of a culture and culture is a reflection of values, what is culture saying about women when it refers to them as “bitches” and “hoes”? Can feminism and rap coexist? Is there any explanation for this slang other than an objectification of females? First, two rap songs were taken and put into word clouds. |
One thing to highlight is the amount of times the word "get" is said.
Then people were asked what they thought about the word clouds and whether rap and feminism can coexist.After inquiring several different people, most had their own interpretations of rap and how it fit into the world. Their responses documented in the word clouds, highlight the most popular phrases and words. Most people agreed but their reasoning varied.
Nate Moya felt particular rap genres were created by record companies and had no reflection on culture, he said.