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Welcome to Central Coast Beer Die. This is a place where beginners can learn all they need to know about the game of beer die. Beer Die is played throughout colleges across America and in the past year has grown a great deal in popularity. Want to know more about beer die? Check out what else we have...

Want to be build a beer die table? Here's how

January 31, 2018 / San Luis Obispo, CA 
Eric Robinson (Senior, Biomedical Engineering), Jonah Levis (Senior, General Engineering), Michael Matheson (Junior, Economics), and Cheyton Sutter (Junior, Graphic Communications) play the widely popular game Beer Die on a Wednesday evening. Beer Die is a drinking game with a rapidly growing following in colleges throughout the nation. Cal Poly recently placed second on a list of the top 25 beer die schools of 2018 by the widely followed instagram page @dyeislife. 
 Photo Credit: Brian Robbins Dustin, a worker at the Home Depot in San Luis Obispo said, “Ever since last May, tons of kids have been coming and buying supplies to build these tables.” Building a beer die table is easier than you think. Head over to your local hardware store and then follow these steps. Photo Credit: Brian Robbins January 30, 2018 / San Luis Obispo, CA
The Materials for a complete beer die table can be found at Home Depot for around $75 dollars.
One- 4x8ft- top
Four- 4x4in- legs
Two- 2x4in 8ft long- side beams
Four- 2x4in, 3ftx9in long, support beams
. Photo Credit: Brian Robbins January 30, 2018 / San Luis Obispo, CA
First, layout the long beams and shorter support beams as such. Next, connect the beams using a power drill. For best results, have your wood cut for you at Home Depot or other hardware stores, so your pieces will fit together seamlessly. 
 Photo Credit: Brian Robbins January 30, 2018 / San Luis Obispo, CA
Jonah Levis and Eric Robinson (pictured above) won the @dyeislife California beer die tournament last year in Berkeley, CA. It was a 48 team tournament and the Levis-Robinson combo finished first. 
 Photo Credit: Brian Robbins January 30, 2018
After the base is finished and secure, place the top of the table on next. For durability purposes, drill about 3 screws into each corner and then drill the top into the support beams under the table. If you want to save time while building your table, having a partner to help will speed the process along.
 Photo Credit: Brian Robbins January 30, 2018 /  San Luis Obispo, CA
The young child watches Levis and Robinson put the finishing touches up on the table by attaching the legs to the corners. This is one of the main reasons you want to have the wood cut for you at a hardware store before because it is essential that each of the legs are the same length. 
 Photo Credit: Brian Robbins January 30, 2018
Once your table is secure, you can draw a line halfway through the table or just use painters tape to divide your table. Beer die is a simple game that anyone, over 21 years of age, can play. It is a table based game that has two teams of two on each side of the table. The center line divides the table and the players must throw a die at least 15 feet in the air with the goal of the die landing in the other teams glasses or on their side. If the die lands on the opposing team's side and they do not catch it before it hits the ground, you score a point.
 Photo Credit: Brian Robbins January 30, 2018
Levis and Robinson play their first game on the new table they built earlier that afternoon. In total it took 30 minutes for the two to build the table and will provide hours of enjoyment. Games are usually played to 12 points, but can be played up to any number. 
 Photo Credit: Brian Robbins January 30, 2018 / San Luis Obispo, CA
There are many different variations of scoring in beer die, but a simple one is this:
- Die bounces off table: One point
- Die tinks off glass on to ground: Two points
- Die bounces in or lands in glass: Three points. Photo Credit: Brian Robbins

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Painting a Beer Die Table: A Time-lapse

Top Beer Die Schools Infographic

Check out who the top beer die schools in the U.S. are:

