While thousands line up to cheer on Cal Poly’s various athletic programs, “The Band” focuses its attention on the hard-working members of the Mustang Marching band. Founded in 1916, the Mustang Marching band spans nearly 10 generations of Cal Poly students.  This site attempts to shed light on the band’s personal and collective struggles, accomplishments, as well as the average level of musical proficiency needed to join.

Unlike other kinds of bands, members of a marching band must be able to perform while in a constant state of motion and while being jeered by hostile crowds. “The Band” will share stories from band members on what keeps them going and how it all fits into their busy schedules as students.

 Q: How do I join the band?

You will need to enroll in music classes MU 176 -1 and MU 178 – 01. There you will be given the basics on what will be required of you and the scheduled meeting times. You can find more information here, or by contacting band director Andrew McMahan at amcmahan@calpoly.edu or contact the band operations center at (805)756-2556.

What level of skill do I need to join?

It’s considered optimal if you’ve at least had some experience with your musical instrument of choice at either your high school or at the junior college level. You will be asked to perform an informal recital before the band instructors to give then an idea of your level of skill.



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This website and all content herein is Copywrited by Shaun Kahmann.

Contact webmaster at: s_kahmann@hotmail.com

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