2022 CCMA Excellence in Student Media

Best Newspaper Website ( Less than 15,000 Students)Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Pepperdine University
    Entry Title: Pepperdine Graphic Media
    Entry Credit: Pepperdine Graphic Media Staff
    Judge Comment: The Pepperdine Graphic's staff is diligent, posting and promoting newsworthy articles on weekends and holidays. The newspaper maintains a robust multimedia presence, posting timely images, videos and stories on its Instagram and Twitter accounts.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Loyola Marymount University
    Entry Title: Los Angeles Loyolan website
    Entry Credit: Alyssa Story, Molly Box
    Judge Comment: The Loyolan's website is beautifully designed, with compelling interactivity including a newsletter call-to-action. Reporters and editors at the Loyolan post stories frequently, keeping their university community updated on important matters on a timely basis.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Santa Clara University
    Entry Title: thesantaclara.org
    Entry Credit: Carolyn Kuimelis
    Judge Comment: The Santa Clara's design, timely coverage and attention to promoting stories and engaging audiences on social media platforms distinguishes it among its peers.
  • Competition Comment: None