2022 CCMA Excellence in Student Media

Best Newspaper Front Page Design ( Less than 15,000 Students)Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: California State University Bakersfield
    Entry Title: The Runner - Full Court Press
    Entry Credit: Damian Lopez, Ellen Kommel
    Judge Comment: Very clever headline, and love the angle on the photo -- way to elevate what could have been a boring "standing in line" shot. And great representation of the rest of the paper in the teasers. Nicely done!
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Humboldt State -- Lumberjack
    Entry Title: See What They Saw: Humboldt Timber Sports Team Returns to Action
    Entry Credit: Elliott Portillo, Morgan Hancock
    Judge Comment: Fantastic photo; love the cutout over the flag. Lots of action in the teaser photos, too, which makes readers curious to know more about the stories inside. Good work!
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Pepperdine University
    Entry Title: The Graphic
    Entry Credit: Ali Levens
    Judge Comment: Stunning! The block letters draw the eye, but the mural of photos in the background keeps you looking. The in-depth look at what's inside the rest of the paper is nice, too.
  • Competition Comment: None