2022 CCMA Excellence in Student Media

Best Newspaper ( Less than 15,000 Students)Back

  • Place Name: First Place
    Contestant Name: Occidental College
    Entry Title: The Occidental
    Entry Credit: River Lisius, Meghan Lee, Charlie Finnerty
    Judge Comment: Substantive, varied, well-balanced report, from sexual misconduct to "sneaker culture." Stories such as that about "tight knit community" help readers know who they are, and who they could be.
  • Place Name: Second Place
    Contestant Name: Pepperdine University
    Entry Title: The Graphic
    Entry Credit: Graphic Staff
    Judge Comment: Great cover on Sept. 9, 2021, edition, with a ghostly nod to all the untold stories lost to the pandemic. Editor promises to get back to "telling stories of our community," and the paper delivers on that.
  • Place Name: Third Place
    Contestant Name: Claremont Colleges
    Entry Title: Best Newspaper
    Entry Credit: James Karsten , Selena Lopez, Grace Sauers, Kayla Alcorcha, Jasper Davidoff, Claire DuMont
    Judge Comment: Vibrant opinion page, good, solid, varied, news content. Fine work on "Testing? Testing?" story, and the in-depth housing story, a COVID tracker graphic, and Ant Anxiety. Unfortunately, only two editions made it into entries (other entrants had multiple extras, so there must have been some uploading issues).
  • Competition Comment: Fine work under trying circumstances.